Who We Are

CDS Muery was founded with the desire to improve the quality of life in the communities where people live and work through thoughtful planning and design.
We have continued to grow and evolve by offering clients creative and unconventional approaches to their specific needs and while continuing to serve with the community’s best interest in mind.
How We Started
In 1988, two surveyors and an engineer found themselves in need of a new career plan. Their solution was to create a company that could serve a variety of clients, providing projects with full-service civil engineering and surveying support. Thus, Kenneth R. Rothe, PE, CFM; Bill H. Ethridge, RPLS; and John T. Kubala, RPLS, founded Civil Design Services, Inc.
The firm operates from its office headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. In 1999, the firm expanded its operations with the acquisition of George Muery Services, a surveying firm that was among a few nationally to utilize GPS technology for surveying. The merging of the two companies resulted in the company doing business under the name it is today, CDS Muery.
In June 2019, CDS Muery employees John E. Rothe, PE, CFM; Russell E. Morkovsky, PE, CFM; Derek Snoga, RPLS; and Jarod M. Cain, PE, CFM became new principals due to an ownership transition.

Even though ownership has changed, the founding philosophy of CDS Muery still remains intact today. This philosophy allows employees to utilize their management, design, and in-the-field skills for various projects in industries such as education, energy, oil and gas, municipal work, and transportation.
Firm Licenses/Certifications
Texas Board of Professional Engineers: F-1733
Texas Board of Professional Land Surveyors: No. 100495-00
Oklahoma Certificate of Authorization (Engineers and Land Surveyors): No. 5272
Arkansas Certificate of Authorization (Engineers and Land Surveyors): No. 1912
Louisiana Certificate of Authorization (Engineers): No. 5197
Texas Department of Transportation Pre-Certified:
1.4.1 Land Planning/Engineering
1.5.1 Feasibility Studies
1.9.1 Geographic Information System (GIS) and Data Analysis
2.4.2 Clean Water Act Sec. 404 Permits
2.5.1 Geological Assessment for Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone
3.2.1 Route Studies & Schematic Design
3.7.1 Traffic Operational Analysis
4.2.1 Roadway Design
7.1.1 Traffic Engineering Studies
7.3.1 Traffic Signal Timing
7.4.1 Traffic Control Systems Analysis, Design, and Implementation
7.5.1 Intelligent Transportation System
8.1.1 Signing, Pavement Marking, and Channelization
8.2.1 Illumination
8.3.1 Signalization
8.4.1 ITS Control Systems Analysis, Design, and Implementation
8.6.1 Rail-Highway Design
9.1.1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Development
9.3.1 Pedestrian Facility Design
9.3.2 Accessibility Design
9.4.1 Bikeway Design
10.1.1 Hydrologic Studies
10.2.1 Roadway Hydraulic Design
10.3.1 Bridge Hydraulic Design
10.4.1 Storm Water Pump Station-Hydraulic Design
11.1.1 Roadway Construction Management and Inspection
15.1.1 Right of Way Surveys
15.2.1 Design Survey
15.2.2 Construction Survey
15.3.3 Terrestrial LIDAR
15.3.5 Horizontal and Vertical Control
15.3.6 Airborne LiDAR
18.4.1 Utility Engineering
18.5.1 Utility Construction Management and Verification
Safety Program
At CDS Muery, we prioritize excellence and safety in all of our work. Our focus is on ensuring the safety of our employees and the public. To achieve this, we have dedicated significant effort towards developing a comprehensive Safety Program and providing thorough safety training. Our Safety Program encompasses various aspects, including, but not limited to:
- Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) outreach training for construction, 10 hours for employees and 30 hours for supervisors
- Environmental First Aid, CPR and AED training
- Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER 29 CFR 1910.120)
- Permit Required Confined Space Entry Training for employees working in Construction and General Industry
- Hydrogen Sulfide Training for employees working in and around H2S gas
- Training for Flagger in Work Zones in accordance with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
We hold the continuous improvement of our safety plan as a top priority. Should you have any inquiries regarding our Safety Program, please feel free to reach out to us or visit our profile on ISNetworld. This platform serves as a vendor portal that documents a company’s verified data on their safety program, insurance, quality plans, and regulatory information to ensure that they satisfy the needs of clients in the energy and mining industries.